About Invito

The wedding invitation is the first thing your guests interact with in the lead up to your big event. It's a device that should set the tone for what they can expect.

However, there are many problems that couples deal with in traditional wedding invitations: RSVPs are slow, they are limited in what they can communicate, and they can be very expensive.

Online wedding invitations (or 'wedding websites') have seen a recent surge in popularity, as an alternative. But given how new they are, the quality of the experiences can wildly differ and they're often packed with too much information – which can leave guests feeling confused about what the main purpose of the wedding website is.

This is the problem area that Invito aims to solve. Invito was created with intentions of setting the benchmark of what a wedding website experience should be.

An Invito wedding website is a way for engaged couples to send invitations and manage RSVPs in the simplest way possible, and serves as a platform for them to tell their love story. And for guests, it should answer all of their questions, not pose more.

Ultimately, our mission is to let lovers celebrate marriage in their own unique way.

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Will you do us the honour?

Book a demo to see if an Invito wedding website is right for you and your partner.